Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Weekly Map 3: Toggles

This map uses an interactive menu to apply choropleth-style masks onto a map. It also offers the choice of a variety of base maps and is, in general, just all kinds of fun to play with. It's zoomable, click-and-drag-able too.

  National Geographic Mapmaker

Monday, February 9, 2015

Weekly Map 2- Flip Book Style Map


The title given is "Map: Rebels' path through Iraq", and this is a map where you click the arrows on the left or right, and it moves the screen through close-up views of where major events in the Islamic State's expansion have taken place.  

It's very simple, but also very compelling because of that simplicity.  

Monday, February 2, 2015

Lab 1 Map

This is Banda Aceh in Sumatra.  It was hit by a tsunami in December 26th, 2004.  The first picture shows the coast in the aftermath of the tsunami.  

The areas circled in yellow have been washed away by floodwater.  

The same outlined areas from the first picture have been moved to the after-tsunami picture.  This shows the sheer size of the land that was utterly destroyed by the tsunami.  

GGS 411 - Found Map 1

This is a screenshot of the Smithsonian's interactive tornado map, showing all tornadoes in the United States since 1980.  The actual map is found here, if you want to play with it.  I know I spent a good fifteen minutes messing around with it.

First off, there's tons of data on this map.  I mean there is over thirty years worth of data displayed on my computer screen, and it isn't a large screen.  The interface is intuitive- simply click a year to see display its tornadoes and their data.  The buttons that you click make up a histogram that shows the pattern of tornado activity over time, too.  In general, this is just a very simple, easy to use map that shows an extremely large amount of data.